Spook Walk

Spook Walk
Event Date: 
Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Please join the Ely Businesses for a night of trick-or-treating. On Thursday, Oct 26th, from 5-7pm, the businesses in Ely will be handing out treats for Halloween.

Naturally Chiropractic will have a FREE Photo Booth for the kids, so make sure they are dressed up in their spooky costumes!

The City of Ely will be hosting a haunted house (at 1510 Walker Street) from 5-7pm that night. The house is located right behind the Library. This is a kid-friendly haunted house.

This year we're adding some Trunk-or-Treat spots handing out candy along Dows Street! If you’d like to participate in the Trunk-or-Treat please follow the link to sign up!


Hope to see you there!